Swift Tern (Nesting colony with Lesser Crested Terns)
Swift Tern
Swift Tern
Scientific Name 
Sterna bergii
Arabic Name 
الخرشنة المتوجة الكبيرة
Kuwaiti name 
105.0 cm
46.0 cm
Least Concern
Similar species 


Common summer visitor, uncommon resident; breeds. In Kuwait it nests in colonies of up to 300 pairs, usually on Bubiyan, Auha and Kubbar islands. A large, widespread tropical tern. Related to Lesser Crested it was formerly called Greater Crested Tern.
Where in Kuwait 
An off-shore and coastal species also seen around the off-shore islands close to and during breeding season, often seen together with Lesser Crested Tern.
In the world 
It has an extremely large range with a stable population and populations of this species remain sedentary in their breeding areas or disperse locally although some are more migratory. The species breeds in large dense colonies, or in small groups of less than 10 pairs amidst colonies of other species, like Lesser Crested Tern in Kuwait
Local threats 
Marine oil spills and pollution. Continuous human disturbance during the breeding season on the off-shore islands in summer which can lead to nest desertion.