Eurasian Stone-curlew
Eurasian Stone-curlew
Scientific Name 
Burhinus oedicnemus
Arabic Name 
Kuwaiti name 
81.0 cm
42.0 cm
Least Concern


Uncommon passage migrant and rare winter visitor. Indications of possible breeding have been suggested in the past. It utilizes a variety of semi-arid and coastal habitats and is often difficult to spot due to its camouflage and crepuscular behaviour.
Where in Kuwait 
This is a secretive species often staying still until the last moment before flushing and has been seen in many areas around Kuwait.
In the world 
It has an extremely large range with a decreasing population. The specific name Oedicnemus derives from the Greek for 'swollen shinned' and the Sone Curlew is also known as 'thick knees. tone curlews hunt at night. Their diet consists of invertebrates such as beetles, woodlice and earthworms, as well as the occasional small mammal or bird, all of which are taken from the soil surface.
Local threats 
Indiscriminate shooting and trapping for the falconry trade.